Jim Jarmusch has a strong connection to photography, which has significantly influenced his films. He was a close friend and admirer of Robert Frank, whose 100th birthday will be celebrated at the fair this year. Jarmusch was “[...] captivated by Frank’s constant evolution, his relentless breaking of conventions and preconceived notions that could have confined his art” (Libération, 2019).

Alongside his cinematic creations, Jim Jarmusch is also a practicing visual artist. He has made photographs for many years and has created hundreds of newsprint collages. His collage work is collected in the book Some Collages (Anthology Editions, 2021). He exhibited his collage work in New York at James Fuentes gallery in 2021, at Les Rencontres d’Arles in 2023 and has an upcoming exhibition with James Fuentes Gallery in Los Angeles next year.


Return to Reason - 4 films by Man Ray with original music

In parallel, Jim Jarmusch continues to cultivate his musical practice with his avant-garde post-rock group, alongside Carter Logan, as SQÜRL, with whom he pays homage to Man Ray. Return to Reason features all four of Man Ray’s films in their entirety, accompanied by music from SQÜRL. A preview of the film will take place in Paris during Paris Photo.

Le Retour à la raison is the first short film directed by Man Ray, who in 1923 explored the cinematic medium as an extension of his work in painting and photography. A century later, in 2023, SQÜRL created semi-improvised music for Man Ray’s four masterpieces: Le retour à la raison (1923), Emak-Bakia (1926), L’étoile de mer (1928), and Les mystères du château du Dé (1929).

The film was produced by Womanray, committed to the artistic project, which oversaw the restoration and preservation of the four films.